Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen
This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!
Who's Having the Best Week Ever?
OK, First of all, for those of you who are wondering (*cough* martin *cough*) The party went fine. I had tons of fun and the fun continued through the weekend because even though it snowed and I was mostly trapped in the house, I LOVED just being able to lounge around. I set up a HUGE matress with LOADS of blankets and pillows on it so that we could all relax and watch movies and enjoy our goodies.
So today was officially our first day back at school *gag*. Okay but it wasn't that bad I suppose. I have a Algebra 2 test I have to take tomorrow and although I got through the review assignment alright, I probably have an F in the class. This is because I didn't do my homework over the weekend and forgot it at school. *slaps on hand* I know I was bad! Especially since I'm trying to work Harder than before to get good grades. I NEED to get good grades to get into college and to go onto my transcript. *sigh* so I'm tottally mad, and also, not a lot of teachers are putting in the grades yet, so I have a low GPA and it sucks.
Here's a rundown of my day today. I got to Algebra 2, tried to scramble to do my homework, then we got the new assignment (which I completed!) and then I went onto American History. That class is a snore bore, and it's so easy. Then I move on to Chemistry, which I hate, but I am trying my hardest not to fail at. It's so easy just to let go and not care about chemistry AT ALL. BUT I am not going to do that. Anyway moving on, fourth hour is Physcology and I LOVE that class with all my passion because it's so flippin easy. But there's a test coming up and he says the work may all be easy but the tests are hard, so he lets us use our notes. *sigh* Then I'm the library aid in fifth hour, and that was fun today because we talked about a lot of different things, mostly dealing with computers and stuff which was interesting for me. After that I had Junior English which is also a snore bore now because we have a sub for about 6 weeks since our regular teacher had to do a surgery (well wishes hutter!) and last I had forensics. Our first acting competition is Jan. 27 in TOPEKA. Guess who picked that date and location out? Not me. *sigh*
Today also happened to be the first day we were in ''Rehearsal'' for the school musical. We're doing 42nd Street, and I'm Abner Dillon. I wanted the lead but oh well, what can you do right? Before the meeting about how rehearsals would go though, me and my two other great friends went to mcdonalds (I GOT A SALAD, I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF) and we had tons of fun.
I tried to show you pictures of our trip but the uploader's being gay.
So anway, I gotta go to bed, but just know, that I'm planning on doing better in school, and working out more (which I DID Today, omg I'm so sore) and staying on top of things!
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
There's bound to be some drama...
Hello everyone!
So I guess you're wondering what is with the picture. Well, if you read my blog, then you know that I always like to have a picture with my entry.
Tomorrow night one of the biggest events of my year best friend's b-day party! And we bought TONS of goodies. Just thinking about it makes me excited!
We invited a bunch of friends over, and we're going to watch movies and hang out and chat and listen to music, and have fun with our goodies. So I'm UBER effing excited. I just want the better half of tomorrow to be over by now!
As of right now, Operation: Boo is going good. We named it after my BFF, and my dad's going to be out of town. *knock wood* so hopefully everything goes down without a hitch.
I am so pumped for this party that I don't know how I'll sleep tonight. But I have to :( I didn't do my homework tonight, BUT! I have a good reason! I met this cute boy (from school, who has a bf...unfortunately) at Taco Bell and we talked for like EVER. It was so cool, because we've sort of become almost best friends. So I'm having fun getting to know him.
The sucky things are that he's a senior (and I a junior) and he has a boyfriend. It's so unfair because I like...liked him a lot before he started dating his boyfriend. But whatever, that ship has sailed. He's just a nice person and it's great to have someone another peer close to my age to talk about gay guy stuff with. The final step in our friendship would probably be when we start checking out guys together.
He's so funny. Tonight he said he thinks the new 'gay guy' phone is officially the LG Chocolate. Which is funny because I want one of those things....which also sucks because my phone contract doesn't allow for an upgrade for another two years. *sigh* I'm angry about that. Oh well.
Speaking of my phone, mine keeps making this horrible static/buzzing noise whenever I talk to someone on the phone and I don't know how to fix it. It gets really, REALLY annoying after a while you know?
Well I am conitnuing the search for life, love, liberty and I will always be in the pursuit of happiness.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
In the Pursuit of Happyness
Ok, YES I do know that happiness is spelled wrong in the title, but I went to see the movie today.
But in order to explain why I chose it as today's title, I'll need to start from the beginning.
You see I woke up today around noon ( I know I'm lazy but hey, it was my first week back to school from X-mas break) So anyway, I woke up, ate breakfast with my dad and then got online. I saw that a good friend of mine was online and I sent her a message because we hadn't been hanging out together recently (not for the lack of trying, at least on my part) and she didn't reply. fifteen minutes later I was done online but still wanted to see her, so I texted her asking her if I'd done or said anything wrong because she seemed to be avoiding me a lot lately.
To which she replied: 'You only seem to call when you need something, and you only come over when your sister stays at my place when she comes into town.'
It's true. I had been recently asking a lot from her, and the last time I was at her apartment WAS to see my sister.
Despite all that though, I do have a reason for being friends with her besides the fact that she does a lot of things for me. See what she didn't mention though was that I had, on previous occasion, asked to see her during the week. to which she said no because she works full time and goes to school part time. Usually we'll catch each other at a local hang out though so it's all good. So I just never really ask to come over when I have free time on the week days because she has work, and not on the weekends because we usually see eachother at the hangout.
So I apologized and she said it was fine, and she's glad that I saw that it was a problem. Which would have been perfect...if I didn't have a brain. After we got off the phone, I started thinking about things. And after watching the pursuit of happyness tonight (great movie by the way) I got a call from my sister. We got on the subject of what was happening in our lives and this situation came up. Basically the phone call made me realize two main things.
1) Why should I be the one who always has to come see her, and why can't she ever call me?
2) She's done some things to me AND my sister that are pretty....shady shall we say.
Those two things have been rolling around in my mind. If you read this blog, you know that in my last entry I was talking about going through a transition in my life where I'm trying to improve things. That the new year gave my engine a jump start. I now realize that the things listed in the last entry that I deemed to work on, were just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm now considering improving my environment to improve myself. Meaning I'm thinking about who and what I'm surrounding myself with.
If I surround myself with positive things, I'll gain prosperity.
She no longer includes one of those things. I will not let her try to guilt me into doing all the work in the relationship, because she doesn't want to. That's not what a friendship is about, and until she learns the lessons on being a friend, I don't think I want to put myself around her.
Harsh you say?
That's not harsh that's reality.
Yes I admit that I had faults in the friendship...but that was before I realized that there wasn't one to begin with.
In conclusion, let's just saying I'm still taking closer looks at my life and beginning to see things in a new light.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First.
A Queer New Year
Hello everyone!
Well It's officially 2007. I don't know about all of you, but I'm ready for a great Queer New Year. (p.s. don't you just LOVE my new year's outfit? I'm doing a pose of something you'll never see me do in real life *chuckle*)
This past year has been one of confusion, hurt, sadness, but also of happiness, joy and contentment. But it is with gladness that I look upon the year ahead.
Before I'd always hear people talking about how New Years was a fresh start for them; a clean slate. I never really understood what they meant about that. I always kept thinking about how that isn't true, and that their lives are ongoing still from last year and that just one day doesn't change that.
But now I realize, I've never had a purpose or reason to view new years like that until now. What is it that's different you wonder? Well a lot of thing really. I'm older for one thing, and for another a lot has happened to me since the beginning of last year. My mother has gone to afghanistan, my sister back to college, and I've started the journey of weight loss not long ago. Of course the holidays has made sure that my schedule has been set back a little but I don't mind it.
So upon celebration of new year's eve I was laying in my bed and reflecting on my life. There's so much I can do, so much I've said I would do and maybe before it hadn't meant anything to me, but with the crisis of my life that happened a few months earlier and with the knowledge that my mother could die in a foreign country at anytime (god forbid) I've decided to make this year mean something to me.
Except I'm doing it in a way that tottally re-invents myself to be exactly who I want ME to be. No more talk, I'm acting on things now. I'm going to lose weight for one...well continue to do so, more thoroughly and whole-heartedly. I'm also trying to teach myself some responsibility by getting a job, and I'm going to try and help out my dad some more. Yes you heard me correctly, even though I have no relationship whatsoever to speak of with him, besides the fact that he fathered me, I'm going to start trying to at least attempt to better our relationship.
If it doesn't work out, I'm going to college in about a year anyway, so it won't matter then. I'm also trying to better myself as a person, or at least be more the person I am, then the one I've tried to be. Meaning...I'm going to BE who I am rather than be the person I was while waiting to 'discover' who I am. Beacuse I believe that (at least for me) there's no ''finding'' myself, there's inventing myself. There's ''being'' myself. and that's not what I've been doing. *Sigh* I know you probably don't get what I'm talking about, but I do, and that's what matters.
In conclusion, let me just say, it's a new year, and I'm ready for it.
So bring it on.
That's all.
A fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First