In the Pursuit of Happyness

Ok, YES I do know that happiness is spelled wrong in the title, but I went to see the movie today.
But in order to explain why I chose it as today's title, I'll need to start from the beginning.
You see I woke up today around noon ( I know I'm lazy but hey, it was my first week back to school from X-mas break) So anyway, I woke up, ate breakfast with my dad and then got online. I saw that a good friend of mine was online and I sent her a message because we hadn't been hanging out together recently (not for the lack of trying, at least on my part) and she didn't reply. fifteen minutes later I was done online but still wanted to see her, so I texted her asking her if I'd done or said anything wrong because she seemed to be avoiding me a lot lately.
To which she replied: 'You only seem to call when you need something, and you only come over when your sister stays at my place when she comes into town.'
It's true. I had been recently asking a lot from her, and the last time I was at her apartment WAS to see my sister.
Despite all that though, I do have a reason for being friends with her besides the fact that she does a lot of things for me. See what she didn't mention though was that I had, on previous occasion, asked to see her during the week. to which she said no because she works full time and goes to school part time. Usually we'll catch each other at a local hang out though so it's all good. So I just never really ask to come over when I have free time on the week days because she has work, and not on the weekends because we usually see eachother at the hangout.
So I apologized and she said it was fine, and she's glad that I saw that it was a problem. Which would have been perfect...if I didn't have a brain. After we got off the phone, I started thinking about things. And after watching the pursuit of happyness tonight (great movie by the way) I got a call from my sister. We got on the subject of what was happening in our lives and this situation came up. Basically the phone call made me realize two main things.
1) Why should I be the one who always has to come see her, and why can't she ever call me?
2) She's done some things to me AND my sister that are pretty....shady shall we say.
Those two things have been rolling around in my mind. If you read this blog, you know that in my last entry I was talking about going through a transition in my life where I'm trying to improve things. That the new year gave my engine a jump start. I now realize that the things listed in the last entry that I deemed to work on, were just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm now considering improving my environment to improve myself. Meaning I'm thinking about who and what I'm surrounding myself with.
If I surround myself with positive things, I'll gain prosperity.
She no longer includes one of those things. I will not let her try to guilt me into doing all the work in the relationship, because she doesn't want to. That's not what a friendship is about, and until she learns the lessons on being a friend, I don't think I want to put myself around her.
Harsh you say?
That's not harsh that's reality.
Yes I admit that I had faults in the friendship...but that was before I realized that there wasn't one to begin with.
In conclusion, let's just saying I'm still taking closer looks at my life and beginning to see things in a new light.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First.
The first step in the right direction is to rid yourself of negative people even if it involves family--surrounding yourself with positive people and people who will back you is what helps make a life successful
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