And all that Jazz...

Well, as you may or may not have guessed, tonight was opening night. (lol, can you tell I love the musical Chicago?)
Anyway, tonight went fantastic! The play we're doing is called "The Lady Cries Murder." It's a murder mystery if you hadn't guessed. Not a thing went too terribly wrong, and the actors and actresses were actually getting along for the most part!
People kept saying "Good Luck" to me though, and if you're in show biz, you know that's not a good thing to say just before a show. You're supposed to say "Break a Leg" So I had to 'Knock Wood' to 'unjinx' it. I'm not usually very superstitious, but one time, someone said "Good Luck" to me before a show and a lot of terrible things happened that night during the play. So I've learned to be cautious.
Alright anyway, on to less boring things. I've just explained that the show was great, and after I was going to go to the cast party, but my sister came into town and EVERYONE loves my sister, so they HAD to see her. So some of the cast went with me and our group of friends to Village Inn (our fav hang out place) and had coffee and cigs. It was a fabulous time. Some of my graduated friends showed up for a while, so it was great to see them. you know how I was talking about the actors and actresses of the show? Well...on that note...I think I'm falling for a straghtie. *Big Sigh* alright...bad I know...but he's soooo sweet and so cute and adorable, and he's always giving me extra attention and winking at me and callin me babe. But see there's a dilemma...he's my best friend's ex. So that would not only be breaking the rules of best friendom, but feminism/fag hagism. *sigh* Also..that says he straight. It's just I sometimes wish that the extra attention he gives me is because he wants me and not because that's just who he is.
*BIG SIGH* Teenage drama. Do you miss it? I know I sure won't. Sometimes I feel like I'm so beyond ready to get out of high school and into College where there's less drama, because I look at these people I interact with everyday and I just think..'Wow, they're going to be stuck in high school mode emotionally for the rest of their lives.' and i'm so glad I'm over high school before I've even left it. I don't want to be stuck in high school mode emotionally for the rest of my life. I want to grow, move on, and expand myself to be better and achieve more. And that's the difference.
So I've officially gone off on a tangent, but I think that's what I do when I'm in a good mood. Well tomorrow is the last day. We're striking set afterwards and then supposed to go to one of the actresses' house for Cast Party, but I don't know if I'm going because she's a ****. A word that's so vile I don't want to type it. Only to be used on women when because they have one, they're being one.
Ok, well I'm going to get some rest cause a lot is going on tomorrow but I'll keep you all updated.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
The straightie could be bi--why not just ask him? The direct appraoch is the best.
You have a lot of 'crushes' in your future--enjoy them--act on them--if they reject you it is their loss!
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