Come on Barbie Let's Go Party! OH OH OH YEAH

What better way to start off a post, than a very homosexual song, and a pic of a cute boy?
So anyway, even though my exterior appears all happy and things, life isn't as generous as it seems.
But you know what they say about when life gets you down? "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swiiiimmming, what do you do, you swim, keep swimming..." or maybe that's Dory on Finding Nemo...either way it has the same message doesn't it! Don't let life get you down.
I'm doing fine I guess. Although things w/ dad could be better. He's nice to me and everything, but he's just a father and not a dad...and YES there is a difference. Any male can FATHER a child, but it takes someone awesomely special to be a dad. My dad meets my needs as a teen. Such as giving me money when I need it for school related stuff, and even when it's not school related, or buying me school clothes/supplies...but honestly, there's no real substance to our relationship...if there was, I'd be able to tell him I'm gay and not be afraid of what his reaction will be.
But on to less depressing matters. School's going ok. My least favorite subject in the whole wide world is Chemistry because it sucks major monkey favorite is a close tie between Speech (cause it's easy) and Teacher's Assistant for Mr. Anderson, our new english teacher who replaced Ms. Foresburg. (sadly) Except today when he had me stack books in the book closet...they were heavy and there were a lot, and the door had to be re-unlocked all the time. It was friggin ridiculous.
I have no love life, so moving on...
Exercising is going alright I suppose...I've just started a workout blog, which you should all check out at:
Anywho, that was just a short and sweet little update. I hope you enjoyed it.
If you wanna hang out or talk or something gimme a holla!
That's All.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
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