
Well...I'm updating again. And I know my title probably doesn't make any sense, but I'm just using this update time to tell you all what's been happening with me, and what has been on my schedule these past few days.
Carissa and I have been hanging out a lot lately, and we've also been playing Crash Bandicoot on playstation obsessively. It's hilarious! We're planning trips to the pool every afternoon now-a-days so that we can get tanned and exercise.
Speaking of which, I'm doing alright on the diet part I suppose, but I could be better. Seantella's made me a specialized work out plan that I get if I complete one Full Week of dieting. It's going to be tough because I'm already dieing from the lack of diet-friendly food in our house.
Today was alright I suppose. We both woke up around 8 and drove over to Goodyear on rock so Carissa could get her tires replaced, then I drove her back home and we made some lunch and coffee. I had cereal. Then I did an interview for her for my online magazine ( and I also taped it for our Diva-mentary.
Anyway then I drove her back to the goodyear place and once we got there she realized that she forgot to get online today to get mom's credit card number to pay for the tires she got put on. So she called dad and asked if he could just foot the bill and then mom would pay him back. He flat out told her no, because "He was tired of us planning things behind his back and then letting him know last minute." How fucking retarded is that? So even though his daughter needed the money otherwise she wouldn't get the car, he wouldn't give her the money. Finally he relented but Carissa wasn't having it. She went ahead and searched for an old goodyear receipt and they accepted it as mom's card number. In my opinion that makes her resourceful, and responsible. But nope, Dad still isn't happy, and he's going to ''Sit down and Talk about stuff'' when he gets home from work.
So I cleaned up the house and Carissa went over to Seantella's so that she could help her clean Suzie's place. Now I'm just sitting here waiting for someone to get home. I friggin starving!!!
That's all I have to say, except that today, before going home I went to Barnes & Noble and bought a brand new 2006-2007/2007-2008 planner. It's really cool looking and handy to have. I love it already.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man
Queen Trixie J.D. the First.
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