Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thirty Days

Well, come Thursday, July will be in full bloom. We all know this means many different things for many different people. For me it means approximately 30 more days of summer freedom. Well 30 days and then how many more days after that in august untill school starts.

Now I figured I could do a few things with this time: Write some stories, get a tan, etc. etc.
But what I really wanted to do, I remind myself scoldingly, is lose weight. Oh sure, I've heard that before. I've told myself every summer that I'm going to lose weight...and it hasn't happened. So summer after summer Carissa doesn't fail to remind me that I'm still a 'big one' or 'Ogre'.

So instead of having that last Will & Grace marathon, attempt at a man-tan, or even waking up every day at noon, I've decided that I'm going to challenge myself

I have Thirty Solid Days. Thirty solid days of nothing ahead of me. Yeah sure i'll get invited to a few parties, and there's that family vacation coming up soon, but that's what'll help keep the challenge fresh and interesting, and keep me on my toes.

Here's the plan, in case anyone wants to join me.


Dieting is an important part of any exercise regime. It not only speeds up results, but it helps get you into shape, even if your body is thin already. My diet will consist of simple properties, that will colaberate together to help with the weight-loss agenda.
  • Small portions - Eating smaller portions at restaurants and at home, will help in the long run. Restaurants or fast food joints often offer smaller proportioned meals for those who can't handle the bigger size. Or in the case of fast food, they offer small sizes. Now all I have to do is just order the smaller size at fast food restaurants and for the dine-in ones, just eat my fill and no more. No pointless overstuffing.
  • Making Healthy Choices - Instead of that frozen pizza, or even that whole bag of popcorn I usually grab for when snacking, a light snack consisting of fruit, yogurt, or even granola bar would be a WAY better choice. They are not only more healthy but come in a better portion size package. Not only are you eating healthy, but you're eating healthy with small portions. Which, by the way, is what a SNACK consists of.
  • Liquids - Most of the time when out at restaurants, which nowadays is quite often, I will usually order some sort of soft drink beverage (coke or pepsi) But by choosing water most of the time, and milk and juices the rest of the time I will considerably help the dieting process.
Now for the exercise regime. This is not one I will be able to follow at all times, but the following guidelines do help.

You see, I only have thirty some odd days to get down to a size 34 (at the very very least; 32 at the most) and I am currently in between sizes 36/38. So, in order to do this right and get the results I want, I have to be working constantly at it...NO slacking off!
  • Some sort of Aerobic exercise, or any activity, that gets my heart rate up and makes it stay up for a LIMITED time of 30 minutes.
  • Weight Training - This helps in ANY weight loss program. Weight training not only builds muscle but helps the fat burning process immensly.
  • Toning exercises - When losing weight one must always remember to tone their muscles. If not you will be left with the flabby leftovers of fatty days. You do NOT want that to ruin the glow of a newly thinned out and awesome body.
  • REQUIRED: Must do ALL of the above through the week at the very MINIMUM of once.
This is my thirty day challenge. Not only to myself...but to you as well. If you are also tired of looking at yourself in the mirror and only doing the bare minimum, then this is the thing for you. Besides I could use a little support.

I know it's not going to be easy, especially with my goals being so time-oriented, but I'm going to attempt this. To make it easier for me, I'm going to create a forum. For all those participating in the challenge to post in. I'll also be tracking my progress through here.

Forum link:

For those competing in the challenge, they can come here, and share tips, information, and strategies. Also just to talk about their life and how their weight has affected their lives.

Until next post,


A Fabulous Gay Man

Queen Trixie Jeremie Donald the first


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