I'm updating, to keep you all in the loop.

Goodness the pooties are getting huge. Carissa, you know how Dude was fat before? Well imagine how he looks know, all grown up. Time flies I guess. So yeah, back to the story...
Myra came over and we all had a cigerette. (Yes even suzie! I know amazing!) And, we got on the subject of Carissa smoking now...which Myra apparently's not happy about. Cause when the subject was brought up she was all "Ugh...I'm not even gonna say anything." Then she took a drag on her own cigerette....
So then, Mexica calls on Myra's cell phone, and she asks about Starbucks. Of course Suzie and Myra and I don't really get a lot of time together anymore, what with Myra's new job, and Suzie working again too...and myra being a...well yes.
We get to Starbucks and we all order, and Suzie pays (Thank you Suzie!!!) and then Suzie's order comes up first, and she grabs it and walks out to the table. Then Mex and My order, and then they start to leave, and as they start leaving they're all: "Hey J, thanks for taking our drinks to the table for us." Then I was all clueless and like: "Uh, what the F***?" So myra was all, "Hey J, Seniority rules." and then she and Mex walk out laughing.
Of course, those who know me, know that I'm no one's bitch. ESPECIALLY not to Mex who doesn't really try to be my friend a whole lot, and the girl who threw a 7 month (it was 7 right?) relationship down the drain with my sister...which in lesbian years, they were together for 2 years and four months!!!!
Anyway, so I call Carissa and bitch about it for a few minutes, and then go out there. I take the drinks, and leave Mex's and Myra's on the table that's on the other side of ours. They're all looking at me like I'm crazy. So I say: "Seniority may rule, but I'm not your bitch."
So anyway, later, after mex leaves, Myra starts to talk about how she's scared of when Carissa and Mine mom comes home, and how she's intimidated by her. Ok, so I'm not entirely mean...I mean even though Myra is tottally been avoiding me, I still am her friend. I won't be low and not be her friend about this. So I try and comfort her.
Anyway, I gotta go to bed kids. I love you all,
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