I'm updating Ho

Ain't my family a bunch o' tough looking bitches? Well except Uncle James. He a stoner. They never fight. Unless you take their bong away. Then you better run the fuck away. But the rest of them are...Except for Randi...and...Jake. But seriously, the rest of them. Are. lol.
Anyway, I'm getting off subject. I'm updating hoes, be effing happy.
I'm doing ok pretty much. I've been doing a walking routine every single effing day. Twice back and forth up the straight rode and once on the side road. I run the side road home. God that fucking kills me. I'm seeing improvments I think though. So it's all good. I got the idea from when Crystal said she was loosing weight like a mo'fo when walking.
Home life is alright. Althouh, dad keeps telling me he can't wait for me to settle down with a nice christian woman. I'm like uh...no. And tonight over the pizza box, he was like "Jeremie, please, I hope you'll do better in life than me. Get a better job, lots more money, a good wife, good kids." And as I smile and nod, I think..."Do you honestly know how many things were wrong with that sentence?
School is ok. I barely get anymore homework that I take seriously. Whenever I do get homework it's usually from Mrs. Johnson and I usually just finish it in other classes.
I'm in the beginnings of writing a novel-sized story I hope. It's just about...well stuff that's happened to me I guess. I'm postin it on my freewebs account. I've only got the first chapter done but I think it's a pretty good start. I love writing. Oh and speaking of which, tomorrow in creative writing, we're finally starting to do some serious pieces. Thank the queer lord jesus for that. And journalism is finally starting to try and get the stories and photos done.
So, anyway, I'm writing emails to mom and Dawn, and I'm having fun (as much as I can in this suck-ass place) and I'm trying to get through each day.
(P.S. I don't think it's just me, but it seems like Kendra comes in wearing a different hair style everyday, and if she could a different color. She died it dark dark brown, and she either curls or it or wears it straight or whatever. It's irritating...i'm not so sure it even looks good.)
Well, I gotta go, but I hope you all enjoyed this update. Thanks again Lezzies and Mo's bitches and hoes.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
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