Alright, ladies and gentle-ladies, here's a couple of pics from the most fabulous writer in the world. They're not of her, so watch out..*giggles* you'll see.
Anyway, I'm doing fine. I just got my restricted today, because my dad went on this dreadful marathon, where this one guy died in his arms. I felt bad after hearing that. Makes you think don't it.
I met a new friend this week! That fabulous writer, forementioned. She's good. But she writes slash (boy/boy) so if you don't like it too bad for you. lol. She seems cool, and she's got a lot goin for her. Like she's british, she's into slash, she's lesbian...see, she's great already! I must be her first fanboy though cause she seemed kind of suprised. I was suprised that she didn't think her work was any good. But I love it!
I myself am writing a fic, that's pretty dark for my usual tastes, but I hear from people that it's good, and I am trying to get updates out quicker than I normally would care to. It's wierd, though because it's my first Non-fanfiction to be posted. There will be more, some slash, some not, but right now I can only focus on one thing at a time.
Speaking of things to focus on, GEOMETRY SUCKS! I'm failing because my teacher is stupid and doesn't know how to take notes. She won't even be helpful unless we come early or stay after school...grr...Biology is ok, but it has the potential to get on my
Other than that, all the rest of my classes seem to be doing fine. As long as I just get through the day
Anyway, gotta head out, people,
Loving you all,
Signed a Fabulous Gay Man,
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