Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Monday, May 16, 2005


You know, I miss it. The feeling that I know someone loves me...that's a huge thing that mad me so angry...was because I thought that I had someone, someone out there who loved me for me romantically, and that i could call baby, and send good morning emails to, and I miss it. I don't know what laur was thinking when she did what she did...but I hope her intent wasn't to hurt me like this. But never-the-less she did. She played with my emotions...she played with my heart. And if any one knows me, they know that my heart is a serious matter, and not something to fuck with. So was she doing me a favor? By letting me think I was loved? even if through cruelty, and only for a day and a half. I don't know. It's one of life's mysteries I guess.
What can I do? I just have to try to move on. continue to be the open hearted Jere I was. It is going to hurt like hell for a while and we will never forget it and I May never trust Laure again but it's times like these we learn a little more about each other.


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