Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Best Birthday Gift ever Given

Last night I recieved the best birthday gift ever given. I got asked out by mistunderstood (A.K.A. Alex) So yeah now we're dating, and it made me the happiest person on the face of the planet. I learned that he was planning on asking me all day since morning time, and I had wanted to ask him, but I was nervous that it was too soon. So I emailed him and asked him his feelings about me, and then he got on yahoo messenger, and we were talking casually, and then he checked his email. Oh my stomach was in knots when he said he was checking his email. Then he messaged me, saying: so you want to know my feelings right? and I of course said yes. And he said the most wonderful things (won't go into details, haha) but long story short, we started dating last night. I am so glad, and even though it has only been a short amount of time, i know that it feels so right. I mean, I feel such a major connection to him. (I know I might be repeating myself) I mean we've only known eachother for a few days and we're dating. When I'm with him I'm the happiest I've been in forever, and when I'm away from him I am constantly thinking of getting back to him. It's all so surreal. I once even thought that it might be my friends playing a trick on me, or that he was some internet stalker that found out stuff about me and then contacted really, I don't think any of those are true. So that leads to the subject of meeting. It's a bit early to start thinking about that, but I can't help it. Of course I'm sure my sis and mom and all my friends will come with me, and it will be a public place...but it's all up to him, when we meet. well anyway, I am so lucky and I know it from the bottom of my heart. LOVE YOU ALEX!!!!!



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