Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Worst Dream Ever

Last night I had the worst dream ever. I was typing online, and telling laurelin (on her "alex" account) that she should be sorry, because I got hurt. And then, All of the sudden she got online, except it wasn't her. It was alex. It was a real live alex. And he said what are you talking about? I didn't know it wasn't laur, so I immediately told her that she knows full damn well what she did, and that it wasn't funny to keep signing in to her alex account. I cussed her out. Then Alex turned on a video camera and showed me his face. It was just as described. Black hair, Beautiful sparkling blue eyes, and a look of utter sorrow on his face. I gasped in horror. I typed my apologies, but he wouldn't take them. I had just ruined the best relationship in my life. I woke up in a cold sweat. It took forever to get back to sleep but when I finally did, the dream reoccured, except after he gave me his look of dissapointment, I looked beyond him in his camera and saw laurelin behind him with a knife. I tried yelling out but his camera didn't take audio, and I tried typing but my hands refused to move. She moved ever closer, and then she took the final plunge, then again, and again and again, and the blood splattered all over the screen and she just sat there and smiled. Oh it was awful. What does this mean? Will these dreams happen every night?? I hope not.


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