Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I'm Getting the Piss Annoyed out of me.

Like the title says, I'm getting the piss annoyed out of me once again, by none other than tom. You don't spend twenty-four seven, two weeks in a row, with him and not have this happen to you. Like I said, I am the new me now, and this isn't going to fly. Fuck that shit. I'm about to ask him if he thinks he's better than me. If he says yes, then I'm going to tell him that I don't waste my time with people who think they're better than me, and that's when I'll cut the ties. I don't want to, but sometimes, I just fuckin get tired of all his shit. So there we have it folks. Anyway onto less depressing factors of my life. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!! I haven't spent enough time with them since school let out. I am sorry for that. So, when I get back home, I can properly begin my diet and excercise regime. This is going to be great. This summer, I will completely transform. I am going to love it. So see you all my sophomore year. :D Well it's like three in the morning, so I am heading off to bed. Alright? love yas. night



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