
What's up ladies and Gentleladies? I'm just hangin out in my room and checkin my email and all of that good stuff.
Not much to report here. It's really boring in Rose Hill Kansas and especially since this weekend, I'm going to another stupid fucking football game. I hate the damn things. You just sit there and listen to the cheers and yells of those stupid people (most of the time ugly) and you watch some big jock fucks run around on a field touching eachother and pushing eachother and all that shit. It's fucking dumb and I hate it.
Anyway, allergies (or cold or whatever, haven't figured it out) is kicking my sorry ass. I'm sniffling and sneezing and have watery eyes and a huge fucking headache. I just am into relaxing right now, because it's one of the only things I can do without making it worse.
Myra and I went over to suzies. She got a new couch, which matches her old love seat. Now she has a three seater couch with that old two seater to the right, up against the window. We had a good time. As soon as we got there, we popped in "Monster in Law" and watched it up until Myra was like, "Og, we gotta go, before it gets to the good part, cause if it does get to the good part I will be forced to stay and watch it." We got java and I gave myra gas money, some of which she used on cigerettes. I had even asked her to split the gas money with me cause I was running lower than her, and she was like "No I gotta get cigs"
Tomorrow I have an eyeglasses appointment and dad is forcing me to wake up at the usual 6/6:30 time. It fucking sucks. He's all, "You're only getting thirty more minutes of sleep." I'm like, so, dude that's fucking precious to me. Oh well, at least I don't have an 8:30 lecutre...lol. Love you crys.
Gotta roll out, Holla atcha later playa.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
I think anyone who ever truly loved high school wasn't really awake in life. The odd thing is as much as i hated it at the time i'm nostalgic about it now. Mostly because life was so new and fresh back then. Enjoy!
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