I'm really tired

I'm really tired. I got back from my walk not too long ago. I ran the last leg of it. I know I shouldn't be this tired, but somehow I am. It's so wierd. I think I'm going to read a few chapters in my book and then go to bed.
Anyway, school's going ok. Although tomorrow we're having a messed up schedule because of some stupid constitution play thingy. It's going to be dumb.
Creative writing is picking up, along with newspaper. Which is really good, otherwise I would have had to go and complained to the teachers or the office or something. We did story starters in creative writing, which was kind of pointless because it didn't even make a good story starting process. Mine are much better. In newspaper I'm currently covering O.C.C points, and also a movie review: Red eye. I loved that movie. But anyway. In geometry we did a test review today, which I guess means that we have a test coming up pretty soon here. Which..I probably won't study for. French 2 is fucking hard. We had this packet this week and I barely got any of it done. It sucked. I hated it so badly. Newby's biology class is having a sub tomorrow. I'm starting to see why my mother hated Biology so much. It's kind of pointless. In Hutter's english class, we're reading "Lord of the Flies"....yeah...don't expect to see that one on my favorite's list anytime soon.
Home life today wasn't so bad. Dad came home at a decent time, and he cooked steak. I helped peel the potatoes (not by choice of course) and then I went back downstairs to watch Will & Grace. But then *Gasp* My fucktard television was being really dumb, and that channel didn't come in. So therefore, I didn't get to watch my will & Grace. After the fabulous dinner of Steak, I went out for a walk. I'm really proud of myself for keeping up with it for this long. I also think I'm starting to see a little bit of results. Could be my imagination, but oh well, a guy could dream right?
This friday is Crystal's Family Weekend thing. It's supposed to be fun, and we are going to a concert on friday. A Performing arts group or whatever. I think that will be a good time. Plus I miss Crys like no other.
I think myra's pissed at me. I sort of got into it with her a while back, and now it doesn't feel the same....oh well, I'll get over it.
Oh! Mom called today! It was fun. We talked for like an hour. It was a good time and it kept me distracted for a while. Which is always good. I miss her like crazy and can't wait for her to come home.
Anyway, as the title says, I'm really tired. So people I'm going to bed.
love you all,
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