Somebody save me

Hello Everyone. I'm updating again. It's for the sake of Crystal mostly. Anyway I'm tired. I feel like writing though. Haven't eaten a thing, which is ok since I'm fat enough.
I just feel kinda down and I don't know why. It's so wierd. I had to go outside and smoke a cigerette just to feel better. It doesn't matter though, there's people worse off out there than me.
I don't have much to report. I barely have anything to do for school, and if creative writing doesn't start picking itself off it's ass, then I'll think about transferring. It's bullshit. We haven't written anything yet and I'm starting to get tired of writing on worksheets about "Sensory Details" and "Feeling Sheet" It's all the same drabble.
Home is alright. I gotta mow the damn lawn again. The grass is growing faster than a fire grows with wood. It's fucking tiring. I just decided to fuck my walk this evening. I didn't feel like walking tonight. But I'm making up for it by not eating. So I don't feel so bad. Dad's still at church so it's not like he'll ever know.
Nothing in my love life. Big suprise there. I'm not even sure my friends are there to sustain me anymore. I know Tarin is, all the damn way. But she's got goof now. They're happy together. It might not just be me, and the days are getting lonelier. And colder, god damn you cheap bastard turn on the heat. Oh never mind.
I know this was short, but like I said, not much to report. I will talk to anyone who wanted to later. Goodnight, Goodbye.
Pictured: Eliza Dukashu, Tru Calling
Apprentice contestant has stripper/death row past
On NBC's bio page for The Apprentice contestant Alla Kosova Wartenberg, the 31-year-old Russian immigrant is described as fulfilling the American dream.
Now that's some good blogging! Can't wait to read more. I'll be back for another dose.
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I hope you enjoy!
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