
Alright, from now on, I guess I'm going to stop using the "f " word so much, per instructions by....someone. Instead I shall be using "Effing" lol.
Anyway, on with the other stuff.
Andy stopped by the high school today, right at the end of the day. He is so effing thin! I didn't know he'd lost so much weight. I'm suprised Crystal didn't tell me. I'm kind of jealous...even if I've only started working at it, he's so thin. I couldn't believe it.
On that subject...when he came, Myra tottally blew me off like I didn't matter to her. I think that it was because of our fight...but...I can't be sure why she'd still be mad at me for that. She looks so tired and drained. I just wish I'd never said anything to her. That way maybe I'd still be as important to her as Andy. Maybe I'm over-reacting, because she might have just been happy to see a friend she doesn't get to very often...but I don't know. Maybe I worry too much. Over-analyze.
Today is the day dad and I travel down to lawrence to go to Crystal's college family weekend. I have no homework that isn't easy and I'm glad. I don't need that ontop of going to some event. But I am glad that I'll be seeing Crystal!!! We'll talk and work things out and all that stuff.
I'm still walking every night...although I'm seeing a little bit of result, I still want to work harder. Andy's weight loss inspired me. Iff he can get that done in so little time from graduation, then so can I. It's so wierd, cause I'm used to seeing him in one way and then he shows up another. I wish my changes would hurry up and be as drastic!!! Oh well...the best things come to those who wait for it right?
Today the constitution assembly was just as I expected. Cheap, corny, and uninteresting. Laurelin was a man in the show. lol. She had to wrap her boobs to her chest.
Kori dyed her hair brown! It looks good, but it takes some getting used to. Like when Robin dyed her hair brown after we were used to it being blonde. But the way she wears it is so CUTE!!! She's always so adorable now...but she's still trying to work out in her mind what she believes about God and stuff.
Home life is still alright. I think I might have to mow the big big lawn sometime soon. I hope I don't have to though because that takes me about 3 hours every effing time. I enjoy the thinking time but that is what my walks are for (aside from losing wieght!)
I haven't heard from Grandma Carol in a while, and I was hoping we could all go do something, but I'm not sure what her schedule is. I love grandma carol (Random I know) and Clara!!!
School's alright. Today in journalism we did absolutely NOTHING! It was so boring. If I didn't have any friends in that class I'd effing die. Biology is killing me. It's kind of dumb, and I don't even get it. It's pretty pointless to me I think. Also geometry, we actually did something cool today. There are these number sheets that she gives us, and they're puzzles that you have to use clues to fill in the blanks. It's really time-consuming, but in a fun way. I wonder if they make books of crossword puzzles...oh wait, I'm starting to sound like a geek!
Emily came in to school late this morning. She looked like hell. Excuse me, but that's the only way I can put it. It's looking like she isn't going to get over Alex anytime soon. Her hair was all ratty and messed up, and she was wearing sunglasses, and the sun wasn't out, and she wore jeans that were a few days old, rumpled. I feel really bad for her. Alex really needs to be killed. I know he didn't think about her...but when do they ever when they're in the middle of breaking your heart? Months of her life were wasted because of him, and she can never get them back.
Speaking of love lives, I don't have one. Lol, obvious yes, but I just thought I'd let you all know....again...
Well, I better be off people. Dad should be coming home, and I haven't even started packing yet!!!! *YIKES*
Loving you all,
A Fabulous Gay Man,
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