Been a Long Time

Yes, it has been a long time since I've updated. Anyway, not much has gone on here. Today was alright, I suppose. I FINALLY got my class ring. It looks so good. THANK YOU SUZIE!
Also, today was Grim Reaper day. I had fun with that, considering the fact that this morning I was an hour late to school from oversleeping. Yeah, so they didn't really care that I was gone, but I was freaking out and had no idea today was grim reaper day. I was like OH MY GOD!
It was really boring, but on the plus side, it means I have no homework. I found out at lunch though that ELBY! had major heart surgery, and the school system didn't let anyone know until today, which the operation happened this morning. But the point is the EFFERS should have told us, so we could send encouragement cards before the surgery. I was so angry about that. I really wondered where Elby went.
I'm on slim fast now thanks to my wonderful mother. It's better than most dieting drinks and things, but I don't know how I feel about it. Oh well, anything to help my fat bum. I'm also just trying to do my best to stay motivated in exercising. Mom said all she has to do is look at herself naked, lol. I laughed at that one. I am drinking more water though, and I think it's helping.
In other news, I've recently taken up going to this GLBT Meeting Group called PFlag: Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Of course it isn't only the parents and friends that go, and it isn't only lesbians and gays, but it's still fun. The other night Myra and I went to a moie night over there. It was great fun, and I met a Lesbian Version of Tanya Dockers. The hair and sexuality is the only difference. She has black hair, and she's a lesbian, but other than that...HELLO TANYA! lol.
Anyway, I have some other stuff I want to be doing and I just thought I'd take a moment to share and care...or share...w/e.
Loving you,
A Fabulous Gay Man,
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