It's a Big Gay World

That's right, it's one big gay world, so Fuck off Fred Phelps! Anyway, guess what? I woke up today at 7 A.M.!!!!! Shocking isn't it? Almost as shocking as this crazy green color that seemed ugly to me just moments ago.
So my weightloss thing hasn't been going very well. Seantella had been working on a diet plan for me but then at the last minute she decided I wasn't ''committed enough" which really pissed me off because she didn't even get the chance to see that I would be committed to doing her plan. I told her, "I'm going to laugh when you come back and I'm all skinny." and she had the nerve to say "Ok whatever, I doubt it." That's really been a great motivational tool for me. To be able to say, "You know what Seantella, I am losing this weight and I will be thin biatch!"
Onto more 'exciting' matters, and I use the term exciting loosely. I've most definitly become obsessed with Chakotay/Paris Slash. It's two characters from 'Star Trek: Voyager' that I'm tottally in love with. Some of the stuff I've found is PURE genius...*hears the sound of laughter and pointing fingers*...Yeah yeah, laugh at the big gay geek.
I've spent countless hours of my time reading some of the best fiction there is, and it's only served to inspire me to write my best as well. Original and Fiction.
So I'm really bored this week now that Crystal has up and moved to her new appartment. It's been like a void in the house that screams 'Crystal's not here' everytime I'm upstairs and don't hear the familiar pounding of the keyboard keys from her room. On Wednesday I'm going to the high school to film a film for Dakota to enter into 'Tallgrass Film Festival'. I hope everything goes according to his plan because he's even spent between $80-100. It's crazy; he's really depending on everyone to do a great job for him. The script is hilarious by the way. I absolutely love it.
Suzie's back from wherever it is she went again, and instead of moving into Melissa's like she had originally planned, melissa has now moved over to Suzie's because she has termites in her house and as suzie says "I don't play that" I still have to return her movie "Monster in Law" and I'm now feeling the strange urge to borrow Queer as Folk from her again. *sigh*
School will be starting soon, to my dismay. I will miss this lounging and stress-free summer days and nights...a lifestyle to which I've become accustom. I suppose though, that the sooner the year starts, the sooner it will be over. I'm drama club Vice President this year!!!!! I'm excited for that. Really I am. I think I can make a difference and bring order and fun to the club, as long as everyone on the board sticks together and knows just to have fun. Of course with Bekah as our president that shouldn't be a huge problem. The only thing I'm worried about is ACT scores. I don't think mine are going to be high enough. Yada Yada Yada. So basically school this year is going to be half pleasant, but not really because it'
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man
Queen Trixie Jeremie Donald the First
Major gay trekkie here. What is slash?
Slash is stories with male/male pairings. You should definitly read some if your a trekkie!
Talk to you later
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