Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Who's Having the Best Week Ever?


OK, First of all, for those of you who are wondering (*cough* martin *cough*) The party went fine. I had tons of fun and the fun continued through the weekend because even though it snowed and I was mostly trapped in the house, I LOVED just being able to lounge around. I set up a HUGE matress with LOADS of blankets and pillows on it so that we could all relax and watch movies and enjoy our goodies.

So today was officially our first day back at school *gag*. Okay but it wasn't that bad I suppose. I have a Algebra 2 test I have to take tomorrow and although I got through the review assignment alright, I probably have an F in the class. This is because I didn't do my homework over the weekend and forgot it at school. *slaps on hand* I know I was bad! Especially since I'm trying to work Harder than before to get good grades. I NEED to get good grades to get into college and to go onto my transcript. *sigh* so I'm tottally mad, and also, not a lot of teachers are putting in the grades yet, so I have a low GPA and it sucks.
Here's a rundown of my day today. I got to Algebra 2, tried to scramble to do my homework, then we got the new assignment (which I completed!) and then I went onto American History. That class is a snore bore, and it's so easy. Then I move on to Chemistry, which I hate, but I am trying my hardest not to fail at. It's so easy just to let go and not care about chemistry AT ALL. BUT I am not going to do that. Anyway moving on, fourth hour is Physcology and I LOVE that class with all my passion because it's so flippin easy. But there's a test coming up and he says the work may all be easy but the tests are hard, so he lets us use our notes. *sigh* Then I'm the library aid in fifth hour, and that was fun today because we talked about a lot of different things, mostly dealing with computers and stuff which was interesting for me. After that I had Junior English which is also a snore bore now because we have a sub for about 6 weeks since our regular teacher had to do a surgery (well wishes hutter!) and last I had forensics. Our first acting competition is Jan. 27 in TOPEKA. Guess who picked that date and location out? Not me. *sigh*
Today also happened to be the first day we were in ''Rehearsal'' for the school musical. We're doing 42nd Street, and I'm Abner Dillon. I wanted the lead but oh well, what can you do right? Before the meeting about how rehearsals would go though, me and my two other great friends went to mcdonalds (I GOT A SALAD, I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF) and we had tons of fun.
I tried to show you pictures of our trip but the uploader's being gay.
So anway, I gotta go to bed, but just know, that I'm planning on doing better in school, and working out more (which I DID Today, omg I'm so sore) and staying on top of things!
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First


Blogger GreatMartin said...

And just whose 'goodies' did you enjoy??? Okay, so I have a one track mind--sue me! LOL
I wish you would blog at blogster--would get more feedback and more people reading your blogs--why not?

2:49 PM  

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