There's bound to be some drama...

Hello everyone!
So I guess you're wondering what is with the picture. Well, if you read my blog, then you know that I always like to have a picture with my entry.
Tomorrow night one of the biggest events of my year best friend's b-day party! And we bought TONS of goodies. Just thinking about it makes me excited!
We invited a bunch of friends over, and we're going to watch movies and hang out and chat and listen to music, and have fun with our goodies. So I'm UBER effing excited. I just want the better half of tomorrow to be over by now!
As of right now, Operation: Boo is going good. We named it after my BFF, and my dad's going to be out of town. *knock wood* so hopefully everything goes down without a hitch.
I am so pumped for this party that I don't know how I'll sleep tonight. But I have to :( I didn't do my homework tonight, BUT! I have a good reason! I met this cute boy (from school, who has a bf...unfortunately) at Taco Bell and we talked for like EVER. It was so cool, because we've sort of become almost best friends. So I'm having fun getting to know him.
The sucky things are that he's a senior (and I a junior) and he has a boyfriend. It's so unfair because I like...liked him a lot before he started dating his boyfriend. But whatever, that ship has sailed. He's just a nice person and it's great to have someone another peer close to my age to talk about gay guy stuff with. The final step in our friendship would probably be when we start checking out guys together.
He's so funny. Tonight he said he thinks the new 'gay guy' phone is officially the LG Chocolate. Which is funny because I want one of those things....which also sucks because my phone contract doesn't allow for an upgrade for another two years. *sigh* I'm angry about that. Oh well.
Speaking of my phone, mine keeps making this horrible static/buzzing noise whenever I talk to someone on the phone and I don't know how to fix it. It gets really, REALLY annoying after a while you know?
Well I am conitnuing the search for life, love, liberty and I will always be in the pursuit of happiness.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
'I just want the better half of tomorrow to be over by now' Stop wishing any part of your life away--it will go fast enough!
Oh, so you want a guy who has a boyfriend to check out other guys?? Not nice! LOL
Anyway you can be there to 'console' him when they break up--and they will--just a fact of life--teenagers go through many crushes and/or boyfriends--heck, for that matter so do a lot of 20 and 30 year olds. :o)
Hope the party is what ever you want it to be.
So how did the party go?????????
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