Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yayness for Gayness!

Hello Everyone! How are my lovelies today? I hope you all are fine and well...Anyway, My momma's birthday is coming up (september first I do believe) and I have yet to get her a present *Yikes!* I don't know what to get her...what a hard lesbian to figure out.

Right now, I'm bored out of my fucking skull. Tomorrow is late start so I don't have to go to bed until I feel like it. Which suits me cause I like the internet. I just downloaded the latest yahoo messenger, which is pretty friggin awesome if I do say so myself. I haven't had a chance to really, really explore it, but I'm sure it will turn out just as good as the obvious changes.

In school, I hate Geometry with a fiery passion, but I am starting to understand it a tiny, tiny, little, bit better. I think. And Biology of course sucks already because of Newby (the weird freak) and not only that, but we're learning the metric system. Which is tottally pointless. But who am I to argue with the school system...hell I already got expelled once for printing "libel" information in a derrogitory (spelling?) letter. Yeah. I'm bad.

Um...Home life is ok, but i've now spent the last two nights for three to four hours on the lawn mower getting bit up by them damn 'skeetos. They suck. Stupid west nile. I'LL KILL YOU! Or in Myra's lisping thingy: I'll Kiwl You! lol. Sorry Crys and My, I just had to.

Things are lonely without crystal here (much as it pains me to say it) And School is harder for Myra now. She misses having her girlfriend to walk with everyday to class, and to help her with her homework and to make-out with right under our father's nose. But That's a completely different blog post, ladies and gentle-ladies.

So that's about it for now...I'm bored...did I mention that?

I must have.

Loving you all,


Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Alright, ladies and gentle-ladies, here's a couple of pics from the most fabulous writer in the world. They're not of her, so watch out..*giggles* you'll see.

Anyway, I'm doing fine. I just got my restricted today, because my dad went on this dreadful marathon, where this one guy died in his arms. I felt bad after hearing that. Makes you think don't it.

I met a new friend this week! That fabulous writer, forementioned. She's good. But she writes slash (boy/boy) so if you don't like it too bad for you. lol. She seems cool, and she's got a lot goin for her. Like she's british, she's into slash, she's lesbian...see, she's great already! I must be her first fanboy though cause she seemed kind of suprised. I was suprised that she didn't think her work was any good. But I love it!

I myself am writing a fic, that's pretty dark for my usual tastes, but I hear from people that it's good, and I am trying to get updates out quicker than I normally would care to. It's wierd, though because it's my first Non-fanfiction to be posted. There will be more, some slash, some not, but right now I can only focus on one thing at a time.

Speaking of things to focus on, GEOMETRY SUCKS! I'm failing because my teacher is stupid and doesn't know how to take notes. She won't even be helpful unless we come early or stay after school...grr...Biology is ok, but it has the potential to get on my
Other than that, all the rest of my classes seem to be doing fine. As long as I just get through the day

Anyway, gotta head out, people,

Loving you all,
Signed a Fabulous Gay Man,


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Well, I'm updating, Woot Woot


Hey guys, I guess it's been a long while since I updated. Anyway not a lot has been really happening to Sophomore year has started and I'm in most of the classes I wanted for the semester thank god. Speaking of school, I get my restricted tonight hopefully, and so I'll be able to drive to school from now on. I'm using my dad's old junker car, but we're looking for one so that he doesn't have to drive our other family car, A.K.A the Gas Hog. That way I can have my own car and he can have his that doesn't take up too much gas. I'm hoping we find one really quickly.
Well, there's only one class I don't like, and that's biology with newby...well I lied, there's two. And that's geometry with Johnson. Now I know some of you reading this don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about but whatever, it's my blog, lol.

Sorry this entry is short and not as colorful (which I thought I did a nice job on by the way) but I'm limited on time. We're about to leave to get the restricted, so talk to ya'lls later.

love ya, *kissses*