Life in the Fabulous Lane

So I know I haven't written in a while. That's like major for me to be writing in this again. So that's not a totally recent picture of me, but I like it. It's so...I don't know. It reminds me of a time when I was so self-assured about my image. I like everything about how I look in that picture. My face is clear, my hair is (might i say) fabulous, and I'm just rockin' those eyebrows.
But whatev. I don't know. I'm now trying to grow out my hair and I don't know if that's a mistake. It's also more of a reddish-brown now. I think it looks pretty good, but then I don't know about that entirely.
My life right now is pretty good I'd have to say. I just met with a past president of drama club, (which I am currently president of) and he totally rejuvenated our outlook on the club. We know we can do this now. It was so inspiring to hear what he had to say. He made us really think about how to do our jobs as board members. So I'm totally confident in our ability to this.
School is going alright...although my english grade is suffering, and that's my best subject. I think it's the early hour that's really killing me. I just don't want to focus. The rest of my classes are pretty easy. So that's good. I've got a 2.67, which would be a 3.17 if I didn't have that D in English. I don't know what I'm doing! I'm a writer for Fxcks sake. I should have an A + + +. But I don't. I hate Brave New World. But we're moving onto a topic that I can deal with...Research Paper. Now THAT I CAN bullshit my way through. Because it has to do with writing. I don't know what it was. I just didn't feel like doing ANYTHING in Blauser's class. That's like a first for me in English cause I usually love everything. I might be getting a boyfriend. I know I have said that before but this is like...weird. He's younger, and yeah...he likes me! That's a plus. But the minus is we haven't talked to each other in like a real conversation yet. So I'm like Uber nervous about that. What do I say? I should just be myself I know that...but that's easier said than done. And I have a very low self-image right now, because all I do is eat. And not work out. And that's like...making me feel fat.
That's just a brief glimpse of what's going on in my life right now. I wish I had more time to digress, but I don't.
So that's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First