The Shape of Things

So I guess I should update and things. Anyway. Things are going alright. Summer is finally here, and I couldn't be more glad. There is a time in our lives where we wonder about ourselves. If we're happy with who we are, or if we should change ourselves to better ourselves, or be more like we want ourselves to be. There are many things I've been wondering about these past few weeks of school, and have decided that it's time for a change. I want to just be me, and be me for myself and not for anybody else. And really, that's where true happiness lies right? Within ourselves. Only we can create our own happiness, and only we can stop ourselves from achieving it.
Well that's all I have right about now, but I think I'll go take a shower and watch a movie with my grandma.
A Fabulous Gay Man
Queen Trixie Jeremie Donald the First