Confessions Of a Teenage Gay Queen

This is just a bunch of random things about me and my life and my days of living, I love you all!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Fall is here!

It's coming on fall, and the leaves are changing colors all around. Today, as I got up for school, I actually had to warm up my car, and put on a light sweater to keep warm. It's in the beginning stages where things are finally cooling down from summer, and it's nice. It reminds me of when mom was here, and I used to spend evenings at her apartment until I had to go home, and I'd bundle up in my jacket and scarf, and go down to my car and listen to Gwen Steffani on the way home...more than once late, so dad would call on my cell phone.

It may not seem like much but it's the memories like these that keep my warm heart even as the outside air gets cold. I can still smell the cinnamon she'd put in decorative baskets around her place, and even hear the laughter that filled the void.

I so miss her. Usually, I'll go about my day, and little things will trigger small memories or feelings or thoughts and it kind of keeps me going but at the same time makes me want to stop and just wait for her to come home.

Around this time of year is when I start to feel really happy about everything. It's like my life's high, and I'd have to say my favorite season. "I would send you a bouqet of newly sharpened pencils, if I knew your name and address" That's from you've got mail. It's quirky things like this I've discovered about myself around this time of year. Like I think a newly sharpened bouqet of pencils would be nice, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of scotch tape. Especially on presents, but not because they're on presents, but because that's the easiest way to smell the tape.

The school play this year is in the fall, because that's the only way our music teacher would play the music for our school musical. So auditions were this friday and saturday, and today is monday. I wished they would have posted the dang cast list already, because it's killing my nerves, this not knowing. Everyone keeps saying how they're so sure I'm getting a part, but then why aren't I as confident in myself as they seem to be?

Anyway, I don't really want an answer, I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void.

So goodnight dear void.

That's All.


A Fabulous Gay Man

Queen Trixie J.D. the First


Blogger Josh said...

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year as well. Those few weeks when the temperature is cooling down from summer, right before it gets cold... those are very nice.

7:14 PM  

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