So, I know it's been a while since I've updated my lovely blog, but here I am! I don't know who's reading this but I thoroughly don't give a fuck.
Anyhow, I love this pic of me. I look like such a star right? I know. Right now I'm downloading hot dance tracks for my high school reunion party, and lemme tell you it's makin' me crazy excited for this thing.
I mean we used to have such fun when we got together and partied. You know? I can't wait to see everyone and feel like a group again. And I also need to start losing weight. The 30th is where it's at betches.
WoW. High school. So much emotion and memories there. I don't know where to start. I'm sure I'll look back on these experiences and laugh and maybe even cry. There's so much that you don't fully realize about a situation, until you're out of them. You know? Which I think I'm in one of those situations.
Well, I have been working mostly (until recently) and I had to help my aunt move to her house in oregon, and so that's kept me away from work, where I could've made some serious money. I need to get at least another paycheck, so that I can get either a digi cam for the event, or DEFINITLY a new hot shirt for it.
Either way I'll be desperate for some dough here pretty soon. I know that I have a digital cam already, but I don't really like it ya know? But whatev. There's always christmas, and what not. So I'm uber excited to be a Senior this upcoming year. I've heard that the summer right before your senior year is your best one. So far nothing exciting or bad has happened, it's been pretty steady. I'm sure that'll all change with the vacation w/ my momma.
I really need to get to exercising...and writing. But whatever ya know? I have a life right now, and I'm doin the damn thing.
Got a couple things to work about when I get back to tal-town, but you know how you do. That's life.
Gonna go to bed.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
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