Oh Dear.

Hello everyone! It's me again. I know, I'm a lazy, crazy hoe for not updating. But! I am doing it now, so be glad yes?
This picture is of me and my two friends at DRAMA CONFERENCE! Oh jeez that was so much fun. It was a little over a month or two ago, but still I loved it. It was my first year going and I had a blast. If you don't know what Drama Conference is, it's where your drama club goes to a hotel with a bunch of other school's drama clubs, and you act and compete and take part in learning about theatre and it's great!
Anyway, things are going good. I'll start with school. I'm getting a 2.17 GPA...FINALLY after having a low 1.83 and lower/higher fluxing all through the semster. It's the ending of the year and I've had Senioritis all year...AND I'M NOT A SENIOR YET! It's so bad I tell you, but I'm so close to getting the grades I should have been getting all along that I'm excited anyway. Also, we're starting enrollment for senior year. Let me tell you something. It's an exciting and scary process all at the same time. I've got all my board of regents classes that are required, I am SURE of it, and so next year will be GRAVY. At least I'm thinking so...But yeah, I've got two semesters of senior release AND teacher's aide. That's two gravy classes/things right there.
Then comes the ACT this april. I'm SO NOT looking forward to sitting in a room full of other students taking a long huge boring test which I'll probably fail anyway. I'm going to try my hardest of course but there's no garauntees...The college that I want to go to (KU) did accept my sister's gf, with a score of 17....but I don't know her gf's high school cumulative GPA or anything, so there's no garauntee with that. But whatev.
I'm also going to look for a job soon, so that during senior release next year, I can work during senior release, and not just be lazy. Save up for college and all that jazz. Let me tell you, I can almost count on some rainy days where I'll be needing some extra cash. Although, my first priorty (if I get a job this summer) is to save up for a hot new kick ass wardrobe to go with my new and improved body that I'm currently working on. It's coming along slow, but coming along all the same. I just have to keep on keeping on.
So mom went back to afghanistan, and it's making me crazy! We're going on a family vacation when she gets back, and I SO can't wait for it. That's what's spurred me on to start trying to lose more weight. Is because we're going to a gay-friendly/gay-majority town. It's going to be fantastic! I don't know my weight or anything, and yes, I was taking a break in exercise and diet while my mother was here, but that's ended since she's gone back. Next week is the starting week for FULL week exercising.
Well life with homework, exercise, job searching, play practice, and friends is just well...CRAZY! But I wouldn't give it up for the world.
That's all.
A Fabulous Gay Man,
Queen Trixie J.D. the First
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